Fruit Nutrition Facts – How Much Calories Fruits Contain

Nutrition facts – Apples


Apples are packed with vitamin A and C – plus they are great to get rid of colds and infections. Moreover, apples are potent blood purifiers that bring on varied benefits to the blood and lymphatic systems. Apple juice in fact is an amazing cleanser, and helps in losing weight as well as is useful as a general tonic.
One medium size apple packs approximately 100 calories. For beautiful skin (how to get clear skin) have apples, fresh pineapple, grapes, and kiwi fruits.

Nutrition facts – Grapes


Grapes are potent cleansers as well as have the power to stimulate the metabolism – that’s why grapes are utilized in elimination and weight loss diets. Additionally, grapes are full of magnesium thus promote bowel movement as well as proper kidney function.
Grape juice helps to cleanse blood and liver as well as gets rid of unwanted uric acid from the body. Grapes have a high potassium content, which boost kidney function, strengthens the heartbeat, plus helps the skin to look flawless and beautiful.
Grapes have amazing cleansing properties and keep the system clean and fresh. Dark grapes are iron-rich fruits and thus help make good blood. If you are looking to lose weight you can add a hand full of grapes as a good snack, to your weight loss diet.
One cup of grapes contain around 100 calories.

Nutrition facts — Pineapple


You can call it a protective fruit — because it is packed with vitamin C. People with constipation problems are recommended to have a glass of pineapple juice daily. Pineapples also eliminate digestion issues. The acids and enzymes make pineapples pretty useful as detox diet.
Pineapples are great for relieving sore throats. Pineapple is rich in beta-carotene, folic acid, potassium, iodine, calcium and magnesium.

Nutrition facts – Kiwi


Kiwi is rich source of vitamin c foods – in fact it has twice the amount of vitamin c than oranges. In addition, Kiwi has high potassium content that helps to ward off colds and flu. Pick kiwi fruits that are firm but not hard.

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